Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dance Routine

I am going to perform in front of the entire school with six teenagers in a dance routine for a pep assembly next week for standardized testing. It is hard to explain, but we are going to have different words on the fronts and backs of our t-shirts and we spin and twirl around to spell out sentences to the techno tune, "Daft Bodies." The plan is for me to do "The Pony" and twirl around. I will also do some Breakfast Club dance moves, as well as Stomp the Yard. We are doing a wave and sending it back. I was jumping around in circles, until I practiced in front of the mirror. I told my students that for a couple of reasons, I was not going to jump anymore, but would instead just turn. They laughed. This is a little out of my comfort zone, but I am going for it. How many more chances could I possibly have to be in a dance routine? I will tell you how it goes, and possibly post a video or pictures for proof.


  1. Good luck; you'll do great and the kids will all love it!

  2. I'd pay for this video!!! Post it!
    And good for you.!!

  3. The link to the video is posted as promised.
