Saturday, May 3, 2014

Grandma Judy Day!

My daughter said the first words out of 5-year-old granddaughter Megan's mouth today were, "Today is Grandma Judy Day!" Since mommy was coaching sister Madison's basketball team, and brother Jaron was acting as assistant coach, Megan was coming to my house for the day all by herself. Here are some of the fun activities we did. We let Grandpa Blaine in on the fun, too.  It was a good day!

We picked dandelions. She picked a large one, and I said, "That is a pretty one!" Megan said, "They are all pretty!"
Megan helped Grandpa Blaine pick out the plants from his greenhouse for the garden.
Our son's old golf cart turned into a garden cart
She did a great job adding the right amount of water without getting it on Grandpa's hand. He had to tell her what "Whoa!" meant.
Where was Grandma Judy during all of this? Taking pictures, of course. Megan also helped make supper. We wound down by watching the movie Frozen. She has all the songs memorized and sang along, to our delight.  After a few days of rest, we might be ready for another Grandma Judy Day!


  1. No greater time than time with the grandkids. We enjoy ours every chance we get.

  2. You are right, Carla! They make me see things differently. When Megan said the dandelions were all pretty, I took that as a lesson about humans. We are all beautiful in "His sight".

  3. What a wonderful day! I'm so happy for you, and for Megan. She made some great memories today.

  4. Aww! Great post! Megan LOVES to pick "pretty yellow flowers". She asked me today if I could make my hat little for her like Grandma Judy did. She also told me she did a better job with the watering when the jug was a little bit full instead of a lot of full. While she woke up bright eyed and all recovered this morning, she was so tired last night she ended her day by saying, "Can you help put me to bed because I can't even open my eyes?!"

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