The old deck at Crystal lake had seen its better days. It had been used as a place to grow tomatoes more than for socializing. The boards were mostly rotten and the rail was unsafe. Now that the house was livable, the deck needed to be torn down and rebuilt. We had many kind friends and family members volunteer to help us, but we just did not know where to start. Our son and grandson helped tear the old deck down. West Construction provided the foundation, and family and friends took it from there. Thanks to "Old" Blaine, "Young" Blaine, Matt, John, Josh, Terry, Logan, Larry, Ellen, Bruce, Marilyn, Lance and Vanita, we have a safe deck that I hope will be the site of many future celebrations.
The old deck |
Matt throws the old railing off the deck. |
They work well together. |
The old deck is gone. It looks better already! |
West Construction Crew |
Logan helped put the floor down. |
Lance helped Grandpa get the posts straight. |
Lance put every spindle on the deck while Vanita helped hold them in place. He is holding on because the ladder collapsed earlier with him and he scraped his arm. |
My job was to hold the boards while Blaine sawed them. |
B.L. and Larry work on the floor. |
The view out the patio doors. |
Oh, yes. I like this! If Mama is happy, everybody is happy. |
Happy, happy, happy! :)